Volume 34 – Issues
An Evidence-Based Evaluation of Legislative Responses to School Shootings at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, and the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee by John A. D. Marinelli (34 Kan. J.L. Pub. Pol’y 1)
Standardization and Policy Change: Key Strategies for Reducing Violence in Healthcare by Madisyn Schmitz (34 Kan. J.L. Pub. Pol’y 23)
(Un)Conscientious Objections & Medical Misinformation: Restricting the Refusal to Provide Reproductive Health Care Through Military Conscientious Objection Standards by Valerie Ernat (34 Kan. J.L. Pub. Pol’y 46)
Saving the Ogallala Aquifer: Kansas’s Duty to Protect Intergenerational Water Rights by Leah Stein (34 Kan. J.L. Pub. Pol’y 80)
Title IX Pre-Assault Liability: Emerging Enforcement Standards and the Next Steps to Accountability by Emma Mays (34 Kan. J.L. Pub. Pol’y 99)
Issue 2
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Issue 3
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